Tuesday 20 September 2016

We used the same format as yesterday to talk about this painting.

“le _______ représente _________(nom)” 
 e.g. le vert représente la vie/la santé/la nature 

 “le _______ est ________ (adj)” 
e.g. le vert est calme/sain/vivant 

“la couleur verte représente la nature” 
“la couleur verte est vivante”

You completed p7 in the cahier (one symbol, one adjective) 
and compared with your partner in French 
what you chose for each colour using the above format.

Then using p. 32/33 text we started the kinesthetic vocabulary activity!
Each group was assigned a colour.
- You had to learn the adjectives/symbols for your assigned colour
- Come up with actions for each! Either a living tableau, actions that you all do... you must all be involved!
- You will say the word in French (class repeats) and after your action, tell the class the translation in English.

Demain, we will start with ROUGE and then ORANGE, JAUNE, BLEU, VIOLET, NOIR, BLANC.

Devoirs: I forgot to remind you about the reading test, so we will do that on Thursday. Please review the vocabulary from the unit so far and the reading strategies!! DUOLINGO 10XP.