Friday 16 September 2016

le 15/16 septembre

- We watched two videos showing two different art techniques: le collage et la sculpture

- You completed a little quiz on what kind of artist you are (p. 3 in the cahier) and we polled the class
"Je préfère..." 

- We learned some new vocabulary (p. 4 cahier) - Quizlet

** I am counting Duolingo on Monday, please sign up to my class** 

We have looked at two famous artists: Pablo Picasso and Emily Carr. You will have a reading test on Wednesday of next week on a different famous artist (same format as we've done: questions and answers in English) Please review vocabulary learned so far, and take a look at the artist articles again.  

1.Where is Emily Carr from?
2. Emily Carr was only a painter: True/False
3. What did most of her first paintings illustrate?
4. Why did Carr almost completely abandon painting in 1913?
5. Who inspired Carr to take up painting again? What do her later works reflect?

Answers under the cut:

1. Victoria (BC), Canada
2. False - She was also a writer!
3. Aboriginal culture.
4. Her paintings did not receive favourable attention (was not well received)
5. The Group of 7
6. The West Coast, forest