Wednesday 14 September 2016

Aujourd'hui we practiced all of our French skills with the intro to the new unit "Studio Créateur" (an art unit!) We read about Picasso (adapted from Encyclopédie Découverte), watched/listened to an animated video on him (see here), and then made our own Picasso drawings and described them.

Some feedback from the presentations today:
dessin**** soft s, silent n (the 'in' sound is nasal)
allongée (ah-lon-soft j)
nez****(silent z)
a (ah!)
visage (vee-z-ah-j)
oeil (euh-y)
épais(se)** (I need to hear the difference between épais (silent s) / épaisse (pronounce s)
ouvert(e) (I need to hear the difference between ouvert (silent t) / ouverte (pronounce t)
des yeux (liaison, z sound before y: day-zyeu)
Picasso (french!)*

Good job! You all pronounced bouche/lèvres correctly, and had good flow and expression (and those drawings! Formidable.)

Demain, we will finish the presentations. Please bring your drawings with you!

Devoirs: Duolingo