Monday 19 September 2016

Les couleurs!

>> I gave you some time to share your progress with me on Duolingo. 
Those of you who are still having trouble please come and see me this week. 

Reminder: I am starting to count Duolingo for marks this week. 
5% of your final grade will be based on your commitment and progress in Duolingo 
(this means that you advance through the levels and do it every day Mon-Fri, Saturday if you missed a day during the school-week.) You only need to complete 10XP, that's one bite-sized lesson. (and should take you 10 minutes or less!)

>> We watched this music video and in groups you came up with what you thought the colours in the video meant/represented. Minimum 2 colour descriptions. 

 “le _______ représente _________(nom)”
 e.g. le vert représente la vie/la santé/la nature
*Remember: a noun has an article!

 “le _______ est ________ (adj)”
e.g. le vert est calme/sain
*Remember: adj must agree with the noun it is modifying.
- In this case, it is "le (insert name of colour)" so the adjective should be masculine.
e.g. le vert est vivant 
- You could also say "la couleur verte est vivante"- in this case the colour name, and the word for living (vivant) are acting as adjectives to the word "la couleur" and must agree.

Some of your answers:
 -le noir représente la tristesse
 -le noir est sérieux
 -le noir est mauvais

 -le bleu est calme
 -le bleu représente le ciel
 -le bleu représente la liberté
 -le bleu représente le vide

 -le rouge est passionné

 -le blanc est calme
 -le blanc représente la neige

>> You then completed pg. 6 in the cahier (toile de couleurs) and we went over the answers together. Some of you started pg. 7, we will be working on that in class tomorrow so don't worry about doing it for homework.

Please do Duolingo 10XP and bring 5$ cahier (workbook) money with you