Friday 30 September 2016

Listening test was today.
Most of you did very well! Bravo :)

In groups you presented the colours (and emotions) of your chosen paintings from assigned artists.
There are a range of artists with different backgrounds and art styles.
I gave overall and individual group feedback- you should have added this to your Feedback Log

Next week we will be looking at lines and forms.

We also read an article talking about Orange Shirt Day in French.
We went over the significance of the colour and the story behind it.

Don't forget to do Duolingo!

Thursday 29 September 2016


We practiced the colours (include. -âtre, pâle, foncé etc.) and emotions looking at a few different paintings. You used your listening skills, listening to what your peers said about the painting and repeating it in English.

You were assigned an artist in groups and were asked to make a little write-up that you will present to the class based on a painting of your choice.

Tomorrow you will have a listening test based on what we've been practicing: the colours (include. -âtre, pâle, foncé etc.) and emotions.

Don't forget to wear ORANGE tomorrow

Tuesday 20 September 2016

We used the same format as yesterday to talk about this painting.

“le _______ représente _________(nom)” 
 e.g. le vert représente la vie/la santé/la nature 

 “le _______ est ________ (adj)” 
e.g. le vert est calme/sain/vivant 

“la couleur verte représente la nature” 
“la couleur verte est vivante”

You completed p7 in the cahier (one symbol, one adjective) 
and compared with your partner in French 
what you chose for each colour using the above format.

Then using p. 32/33 text we started the kinesthetic vocabulary activity!
Each group was assigned a colour.
- You had to learn the adjectives/symbols for your assigned colour
- Come up with actions for each! Either a living tableau, actions that you all do... you must all be involved!
- You will say the word in French (class repeats) and after your action, tell the class the translation in English.

Demain, we will start with ROUGE and then ORANGE, JAUNE, BLEU, VIOLET, NOIR, BLANC.

Devoirs: I forgot to remind you about the reading test, so we will do that on Thursday. Please review the vocabulary from the unit so far and the reading strategies!! DUOLINGO 10XP.

Monday 19 September 2016

Les couleurs!

>> I gave you some time to share your progress with me on Duolingo. 
Those of you who are still having trouble please come and see me this week. 

Reminder: I am starting to count Duolingo for marks this week. 
5% of your final grade will be based on your commitment and progress in Duolingo 
(this means that you advance through the levels and do it every day Mon-Fri, Saturday if you missed a day during the school-week.) You only need to complete 10XP, that's one bite-sized lesson. (and should take you 10 minutes or less!)

>> We watched this music video and in groups you came up with what you thought the colours in the video meant/represented. Minimum 2 colour descriptions. 

 “le _______ représente _________(nom)”
 e.g. le vert représente la vie/la santé/la nature
*Remember: a noun has an article!

 “le _______ est ________ (adj)”
e.g. le vert est calme/sain
*Remember: adj must agree with the noun it is modifying.
- In this case, it is "le (insert name of colour)" so the adjective should be masculine.
e.g. le vert est vivant 
- You could also say "la couleur verte est vivante"- in this case the colour name, and the word for living (vivant) are acting as adjectives to the word "la couleur" and must agree.

Some of your answers:
 -le noir représente la tristesse
 -le noir est sérieux
 -le noir est mauvais

 -le bleu est calme
 -le bleu représente le ciel
 -le bleu représente la liberté
 -le bleu représente le vide

 -le rouge est passionné

 -le blanc est calme
 -le blanc représente la neige

>> You then completed pg. 6 in the cahier (toile de couleurs) and we went over the answers together. Some of you started pg. 7, we will be working on that in class tomorrow so don't worry about doing it for homework.

Please do Duolingo 10XP and bring 5$ cahier (workbook) money with you

Friday 16 September 2016

le 15/16 septembre

- We watched two videos showing two different art techniques: le collage et la sculpture

- You completed a little quiz on what kind of artist you are (p. 3 in the cahier) and we polled the class
"Je préfère..." 

- We learned some new vocabulary (p. 4 cahier) - Quizlet

** I am counting Duolingo on Monday, please sign up to my class** 

We have looked at two famous artists: Pablo Picasso and Emily Carr. You will have a reading test on Wednesday of next week on a different famous artist (same format as we've done: questions and answers in English) Please review vocabulary learned so far, and take a look at the artist articles again.  

1.Where is Emily Carr from?
2. Emily Carr was only a painter: True/False
3. What did most of her first paintings illustrate?
4. Why did Carr almost completely abandon painting in 1913?
5. Who inspired Carr to take up painting again? What do her later works reflect?

Answers under the cut:

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Aujourd'hui we practiced all of our French skills with the intro to the new unit "Studio Créateur" (an art unit!) We read about Picasso (adapted from Encyclopédie Découverte), watched/listened to an animated video on him (see here), and then made our own Picasso drawings and described them.

Some feedback from the presentations today:
dessin**** soft s, silent n (the 'in' sound is nasal)
allongée (ah-lon-soft j)
nez****(silent z)
a (ah!)
visage (vee-z-ah-j)
oeil (euh-y)
épais(se)** (I need to hear the difference between épais (silent s) / épaisse (pronounce s)
ouvert(e) (I need to hear the difference between ouvert (silent t) / ouverte (pronounce t)
des yeux (liaison, z sound before y: day-zyeu)
Picasso (french!)*

Good job! You all pronounced bouche/lèvres correctly, and had good flow and expression (and those drawings! Formidable.)

Demain, we will finish the presentations. Please bring your drawings with you!

Devoirs: Duolingo


Tuesday 13 September 2016

** I'm going to start counting your Duolingo progress on Monday of next week**

I would like you to set your daily goal at 10XP (Casual). Duolingo is homework Monday to Friday, and is worth 5% of your final grade. I will give you a mark /5 each week. This mark is based on both your commitment to completing 10XP everyday and your continued progress through the levels. (This means that you cannot just complete "Basics 1" everyday for homework.)  If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday.

I will not be counting any Duolingo done on Sunday (but if you would like to keep up your 'streak' and make your green owl friend happy, you should continue!)

Find the research about Duolingo's benefits HERE

Duolingo Code: XBGVXF

Here is the information on how to allow me to track your progress on Duolingo. Please only enrol yourself once you have handed in your permission form from your parent/guardian.


Can I just do 50XP on Saturday instead of doing Duolingo everyday?
No. The idea is to practice your French skills everyday! If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday.

What if I just do an extra 10XP the following day?
If you miss Monday, you cannot fix it by doing 20XP on Tuesday. You have to wait until Saturday to make up your missed day.

Can I do more than 10XP a day?
I recommend 10XP-20XP  a day because it is a manageable amount. Although Duolingo is like a game, it is not like a typical video game where you need to beat all of the levels all at once. Do not sit down and try to 'beat the game.' Languages are all about practice, doing a little each day will be more beneficial for your language acquisition in the long run.
Today you presented your mini banners and we hung them up in the classroom- they good great! Félicitations! You all did a good job. I gave you some feedback to put in your "Speaking Feedback Log" section of your binders.

We listened to "C'est la vie" by Khaled
We noted the Futur Proche in the song! (On va s'aimer, On va danser

Devoirs: Duolingo information given in the next post, make sure you are signed up to the class!

Monday 12 September 2016

- We reviewed the Futur Proche with 10 quick questions on the board
- You worked on your "Qui suis-je" banner project (due next class- see previous post for details)
- We went over the speaking presentation rubric that will be used for all speaking presentations this semester: keep them in mind for tomorrow!

Tomorrow's presentation is not for marks
it is simply an indicator of your speaking skills. 
I will be giving the class overall feedback. 

- I also handed out this Duolingo form: Please sign up for Duolingo, send me your progress, and take the placement test!
- This is the song we listened to in class today. We looked at some of the lyrics, and learned the expression "une nuit blanche" (a white night = a sleepless night) 

Sunday 11 September 2016

We have been doing some review (Kahoot/Quizlet Live)
with a focus on the Futur Proche (as many of you asked for this)

REMEMBER: Futur Proche = Aller (présent) + infinitive (-er, -re, -ir) 
the near future: I am going to do something

Aller (présent)
Je vais       Nous allons
Tu vas     Vous allez
Il va       Ils vont

Hier j'ai dansé, Aujourd'hui je danse, demain je vais danser

This get to know you activity was introduced on Friday
You will be working on this on Monday.

This will help me get to know you 
(and your simple sentence construction /speaking skills)

Saturday 10 September 2016

The music we have listened to in class so far:

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Welcome to French 10! 
Please check the website on a regular basis to keep up with anything you may have missed, homework, Quizlet sets, French music we've listened to in class, etc. 
What to do if you are away for any length of time (vacation, school trip, or illness)  
Homework is always an extension of work done in class- If you are away for one day, check the website for what you missed. It is also a good idea to get the name and contact information of one or two classmates. 
If you are away for a longer period of time, do a bit of French everyday! That means Duolingo*, Quizlet, listen to some French music, and if you have the opportunity, speak French to those that you meet!  
*Duolingo even has an offline mode, ideal for traveling. Read about it here.
In my experience, giving you piles of worksheets while you are away is not beneficial. It is best to do the following: inform me of your trip, check the website, and see me when you get back. This way, I can provide clarifications, and get you caught up on what you missed.
Class rules and expectations: