Wednesday 5 October 2016

- Make mini presentation on your given artwork, you can add colours! 
>> Give your artwork a title 
>> Describe 5 of the lines and/or forms, use p.14 as a guide 
>> use the “adjectifs démonstratifs” ce/cet/cette/ces (and point to them when doing your presentation)

e.g. Pour donner l’impression d’énergie, l’artiste utilise cette ligne en zigzag

ce (m) cet (m, with vowel), cette (f), ces (plural) 
= this/these

cet ovale (m)
cette ligne (f)
ce cercle (m)
ces cercles (m)
ces lignes (f)

Present them in your groups, I will pick some people to present to the class.  

>> Another listening test tomorrow based on the lines/formes vocabulary 
>> Duolingo!