Monday 3 October 2016


We started looking at lines and forms (les lignes et les formes).

1. You made some predictions on p. 11 in the cahier
2. Then checked your answers by reading through p. 34-37.
3. We went over the pronunciation and read through the text.
4. You described the lines in some familiar paintings.

We went over how to be specific and say "this line" or "these lines"
They are called "les adjectifs démonstratifs" (p.37 text)
m = ce / cet (vowel or vowel sound)
f = cette
plural = ces

ce triangle (this triangle)
cet ovale (this oval)
cette ligne foncée (this dark line)
ces lignes ondulées (these wavy lines)

Devoirs: Duolingo, review the vocabulary for the lines and forms (as we will be doing a listening/drawing exercise tomorrow!)