Monday 31 October 2016

We started with "C'est l'halloween!" and you sang along! 

We threw the ball around the room and found out what everyone was dressed up as for Halloween: 

Q: _______(nom), Quel costume est-ce que tu portes pour l’halloween?
A: Je porte un costume de… (chat/sorcière/Lady Gaga)

We watched 2 Têtes à Claques videos on Halloween (Québec), and practiced your listening skills 

You had another mini conversation piece about being scared! In French, just like with age, you HAVE (avoir) it. e.g. J'ai 15 ans = I have 15 years (meaning: I am 15 years old), J'ai peur = I have fear (I am scared)

Q: De quoi as-tu peur?
A: J'ai peur des vampires! 

You learned the expression "ça me fait peur" (that scares me) 

Have a SAFE and FUN Halloween evening 

Friday 28 October 2016

You finished watching the movie today. Bon weekend!

Thursday 27 October 2016


We read about graffiti, you answered some questions about it.

You learned about a famous French graffiti artist (Invader)
...and a video on some "green" graffiti (inspired by your art projects!) 

We started watching a movie called "Vandal" 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Yesterday and today were both project work days! 

Your projects are due tomorrow!! 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Monday 17 October 2016

Aujourd'hui we started with the speaking presentations on Morriseau's paintings.
I was unhappy that so many of you were unprepared. We will be finishing the presentations tomorrow, so please ensure you have your recording (you can also e-mail me your recording if you cannot play it off of a device).

You also did a little listening activity, and guessed which paintings your peers described!

We reviewed the passé composé. You will be using the passé composé for your final project. I gave you a chart with some useful verbs for your final presentation. You used (see links) to fill in the irregular verbs (starred!)

Devoirs: Duolingo (we will finish p.c. sheet in class tomorrow)

Friday 14 October 2016


Voici un tableau de Norval Morriseau, 

D’abord, pour symboliser le/la ______________, il utilise ____________ (colour). 
Ensuite… (line)
Puis… (form)
Finalement… (texture). 

Devinez quel tableau je décris!

** Record yourself on your phone (bring your phone to class)
or at home on your computer (if this option, send it to me by e-mail!) **

On Monday, we’ll do the presentations, bring your recording with you. 
I will be giving you a speaking mark for this.
Don't forget to review your Speaking Feedback Log!

Thursday 13 October 2016


- We started with a Kahoot! on textures.
- We went over some general feedback about what you wrote yesterday:

- great vocabulary usage! :)
 - you can just describe the lines and forms that you see, you don’t have to say what it IS (mountains, rocks... use the vocabulary you know!)
- many of you used “pour représenter” (don’t forget the “er”!) (other examples to make it less repetitive: démontrer, créer, symboliser)
- utilise! You all used this word (great!) Here’s some more ways to say something similar so it’s not so repetitive. L’artiste… ajoute, met, dessine, peint 
- watch out for adj agreement (m/f/pl) and articles (le/la/les, un/une/des!)


 Let’s correct some of our mistakes together

- “ce oeuvre” -> cet oeuvre (masc, vowel) 
- “cette lignes” -> ces lignes (plural)

 - “l’artiste utilise blanchâtre rose” -> l’artiste utilise le rose blanchâtre 
 - “pour représente bleu la confusion” -> pour représenter la confusion, l’artiste ajoute le bleu (la couleur bleue)
 - “le brun sont différent” -> le brun est différent. 
- “l’artiste utilise bleu blancatre et brun fonce” -> l’artiste utilise le bleu blanchâtre et le brun foncé

lines and forms:
- “l’artiste utilise une ligne vertical” -> l’artiste utilise une ligne verticale 
 - “pour démontrer bonheur l’artiste utilise lignes ondulés” -> pour démontrer le bonheur l’artiste utilise les lignes ondulées 
- “l’artiste utilise une ligne zigzag” -> l’artiste utilise une ligne en zigzag

- “la texture rugueux et crayeux” -> la texture est rugueuse et crayeuse


- You learned about conjunctions (connectors: they link ideas together in one sentence) and adverbs (to start your sentences! firstly, then, next...) -- See class Quizlet

- You did p. 22 in the cahier to practice, we went over the answers

- We watched this video, and described it as a class. "Premièrement, l'artiste ajoute la couleur jaune. Ensuite, il ajoute le bleu verdâtre. Puis, il met les lignes courbes pour démontrer la joie.... etc."

DEMAIN (tomorrow), you will be doing another writing activity. Please look over your notes tonight, try to add conjunctions and adverbs tomorrow to make your writing flow more smoothly! (and take care to avoid the mistakes we corrected today!)

N'oubliez pas de faire Duolingo! 

Wednesday 12 October 2016


- We watched the video for 1. 2. 3. by Team BS
- We did more of the texture presentations. I gave you all some feedback.
- I gave you ten minutes to look over your notes
- You described two paintings using all of your knowledge so far, I collected them (a "Check-in")

Tuesday 11 October 2016


The TTOC did the following with you:
- p. 9 in the cahier (difference b/w a noun and adj!)
- p. 17/18 in the cahier (walked around and talked to 4 people- presenting and giving feedback on drawings en français)
- Article on Miro

À demain!

(un tableau par Miro) 

Friday 7 October 2016

La chasse au trésor - les textures

You did a treasure hunt today, finding different textures around the school and then making a mini presentation.

Nous avons trouvé les objets suivants pour les textures...
Voici ______ (item), il/elle est __________ (texture) x8

*Make sure you do adjective agreement, and choose the right il/elle
*Don't forget about liaison! (nou.. zavons, le.. zobjets)

Some of you were able to present today, the rest will be after the long weekend.
Review the textures on the class Quizlet, SVP!

Thursday 6 October 2016


- Listening test based on lines and forms vocabulary
- p. 16 in the cahier (ce/cet/cette/ces practice) - you took turns asking the questions and answering. Work on adding expression and character! It's a lot more fun :)
- 10 students presented their lines/forms drawings today.
Here is the overall feedback
lignes/formes (6 oct) 
- utilise   vs.   utilisé/utiliser
- cercles
- l’impression, l’artiste **
- Pour démontrer.. (NOUN - article) 
la créativité not créatif

- hexagone (silent h) 
- épaisse (soft s) 
- œuvre
- spirale (sp-ee-rrrr-AL)
>>make ENG words sound FRENCH: e.g. rebellion, confusion, rectangle, action

- many of you had good French r’s! 
- good use of vocabulary
- utilise (great! keep it up with the U sound) 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

- Make mini presentation on your given artwork, you can add colours! 
>> Give your artwork a title 
>> Describe 5 of the lines and/or forms, use p.14 as a guide 
>> use the “adjectifs démonstratifs” ce/cet/cette/ces (and point to them when doing your presentation)

e.g. Pour donner l’impression d’énergie, l’artiste utilise cette ligne en zigzag

ce (m) cet (m, with vowel), cette (f), ces (plural) 
= this/these

cet ovale (m)
cette ligne (f)
ce cercle (m)
ces cercles (m)
ces lignes (f)

Present them in your groups, I will pick some people to present to the class.  

>> Another listening test tomorrow based on the lines/formes vocabulary 
>> Duolingo! 

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Today you took turns looking at drawings on the board and describing them, and drawing what you heard your partner describe. 

You then drew a drawing with lines and forms that will be given to another student in the class to describe. 

Monday 3 October 2016


We started looking at lines and forms (les lignes et les formes).

1. You made some predictions on p. 11 in the cahier
2. Then checked your answers by reading through p. 34-37.
3. We went over the pronunciation and read through the text.
4. You described the lines in some familiar paintings.

We went over how to be specific and say "this line" or "these lines"
They are called "les adjectifs démonstratifs" (p.37 text)
m = ce / cet (vowel or vowel sound)
f = cette
plural = ces

ce triangle (this triangle)
cet ovale (this oval)
cette ligne foncée (this dark line)
ces lignes ondulées (these wavy lines)

Devoirs: Duolingo, review the vocabulary for the lines and forms (as we will be doing a listening/drawing exercise tomorrow!)