Monday 16 January 2017

Today we went over the l'autostoppeuse story.

You read the story again by yourself, then in a group, and then answered some comprehension questions. We went over it together as a class. We were also able to find a few examples of direct object pronouns in the text! (There are also quite a few indirect object pronouns, so keep the story, we'll look for those later!)

We then reviewed direct object pronouns, practiced a little, and then looked at the pronouns me/te/nous/vous (translating from ENG -> FR) *When replacing with a pronoun remember to look for the object of the sentence

1. I see you (present) = "I" am the one doing the action of "seeing" - the object of the sentence is YOU. You replace "you" with the pronoun "te" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the verb!)

I see you = Je te vois

2. She liked us (passé composé) = "She" is the one doing the action of having "liked" - the object of the sentence is US. You replace "us" with the pronoun "nous" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the aux!)

She liked us = Elle nous a aimés*

(*Agreement is still a thing here! With direct object pronouns and passé composé!) 

3. He didn't hate you guys (passé composé, and the negative) = "He" is the one doing the action of having "hated" - the object of the sentence is YOU GUYS. You replace "you guys" with the pronoun "vous" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the aux! + then after, add the negative around them.)

He didn't hate you guys = Il vous a détestés = Il ne vous a pas détestés

I was going to give you a quiz on this tomorrow, but as there was some confusion upon adding me/te/nous/vous, the quiz will be on Wednesday. 

Don't forget to do Duolingo!