Thursday 12 January 2017

Imparfait quiz (avoir/être) - with added reading comprehension activity!
I used vocab we had learned and used to create a little urban legend.
You drew a comic on the back of what happened in the story- we went over it as a class after the quiz.

We learned about Direct Object Pronouns
To avoid being repetitive, we can replace the object of the sentence with a pronoun!
We will start with le/la/les, and learn about me/te/nous/vous next week.

Present tense
The DOP goes before the verb
Marie aime Bob -> Marie l'aime
Marie mange le bonbon -> Marie le mange
Marie déteste les fleurs  -> Marie les déteste

The DOP sticks to the verb, and the negative construction goes around it.
Marie ne l'aime pas
Marie ne le mange pas

>>> It works the same way in the imparfait!!
Marie aimait Bob -> Marie l'aimait -> Marie ne l'aimait pas

Passé Composé
The DOP goes before the AUX ** direct objects add agreement to past participle if they come before the verb! +e +s +es **
Marie a aimé Bob -> Marie l'a aimé
Marie a mangé le bonbon -> Marie l'a mangé
Marie déteste les fleurs  (f)-> Marie les a détestées*

The DOP sticks to the aux, and the negative construction goes around it.
Marie ne l'a pas aimé
Marie ne l'a pas mangé