Tuesday 24 January 2017

Pratiquez - une légende urbaine

Part 1 of the writing assessment tomorrow will be on direct and indirect object pronouns. 
Part 2 will be you writing an urban legend with story dice! 

Il était une fois… (once upon a time...)
Some useful connecting words: Ensuite, Puis (then), Après (after), Donc (so), Mais (but)
Il faut+infinitif (moral of the story)

Story should be in passé composé and imparfait (avoir/être)
If you have any dialogue it should be in the Present.
You can add pronouns (relative and object) to show off your skills
and to make your writing more advanced
(Don't forget about basic concepts like adjective agreement!)

You will be given a time limit for your written story
Specific vocabulary will be given to you (vocabulary about the dice)

I will be looking at your writing overall: use of grammar + if the story makes sense.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

We reviewed Direct Object Pronouns (me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les) + placement

S ne pV pas (present tense or imparfait)

ne pAUX pas PP* (passé composé)

*add agreement to past participle if necessary:
- this is only if it's in passé composé
- only if it's a direct object pronoun
- only if the pronoun comes before the verb, and is replacing something fem/plur/fem+plur

You have a quiz on this tomorrow.
If you do not understand a part of this please come
and see me today after school or tomorrow at lunch.

The quiz will have 2 sections: 
1. Find object and replace with correct direct object pronoun+placement (le/la/les)
2. A translating section (me/te/nous/vous): I will give you the past participles of verbs used for the translation section.
>> For both, you should know how to add the negative!

Don't forget to do Duolingo and study for your quiz.

Monday 16 January 2017

Today we went over the l'autostoppeuse story.

You read the story again by yourself, then in a group, and then answered some comprehension questions. We went over it together as a class. We were also able to find a few examples of direct object pronouns in the text! (There are also quite a few indirect object pronouns, so keep the story, we'll look for those later!)

We then reviewed direct object pronouns, practiced a little, and then looked at the pronouns me/te/nous/vous (translating from ENG -> FR) *When replacing with a pronoun remember to look for the object of the sentence

1. I see you (present) = "I" am the one doing the action of "seeing" - the object of the sentence is YOU. You replace "you" with the pronoun "te" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the verb!)

I see you = Je te vois

2. She liked us (passé composé) = "She" is the one doing the action of having "liked" - the object of the sentence is US. You replace "us" with the pronoun "nous" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the aux!)

She liked us = Elle nous a aimés*

(*Agreement is still a thing here! With direct object pronouns and passé composé!) 

3. He didn't hate you guys (passé composé, and the negative) = "He" is the one doing the action of having "hated" - the object of the sentence is YOU GUYS. You replace "you guys" with the pronoun "vous" and put it in the same place as if it were le/la/les (that we have been practicing!- before the aux! + then after, add the negative around them.)

He didn't hate you guys = Il vous a détestés = Il ne vous a pas détestés

I was going to give you a quiz on this tomorrow, but as there was some confusion upon adding me/te/nous/vous, the quiz will be on Wednesday. 

Don't forget to do Duolingo! 

Friday 13 January 2017

We did a great big review of Direct Object Pronouns, with lots of practice. See previous post for some notes! At the end of class I gave you an urban legend to read "L'autostoppeuse"

Try your best to understand it! We will go over it on Monday.

Don't forget to do Duolingo! 

Thursday 12 January 2017

Imparfait quiz (avoir/être) - with added reading comprehension activity!
I used vocab we had learned and used to create a little urban legend.
You drew a comic on the back of what happened in the story- we went over it as a class after the quiz.

We learned about Direct Object Pronouns
To avoid being repetitive, we can replace the object of the sentence with a pronoun!
We will start with le/la/les, and learn about me/te/nous/vous next week.

Present tense
The DOP goes before the verb
Marie aime Bob -> Marie l'aime
Marie mange le bonbon -> Marie le mange
Marie déteste les fleurs  -> Marie les déteste

The DOP sticks to the verb, and the negative construction goes around it.
Marie ne l'aime pas
Marie ne le mange pas

>>> It works the same way in the imparfait!!
Marie aimait Bob -> Marie l'aimait -> Marie ne l'aimait pas

Passé Composé
The DOP goes before the AUX ** direct objects add agreement to past participle if they come before the verb! +e +s +es **
Marie a aimé Bob -> Marie l'a aimé
Marie a mangé le bonbon -> Marie l'a mangé
Marie déteste les fleurs  (f)-> Marie les a détestées*

The DOP sticks to the aux, and the negative construction goes around it.
Marie ne l'a pas aimé
Marie ne l'a pas mangé

Wednesday 11 January 2017

You finished your stories in groups, and shared them with the class. We reviewed what made a 'good' urban legend and voted on the class favourite. We practiced with imparfait and passé composé (you will have a quiz on imparfait- avoir/être constructions tomorrow!)

The urban legend we watched today:

Devoirs: study + duolingo

Tuesday 10 January 2017

We reviewed the legend we saw yesterday (les égouts) and learned about a good grammar tense used in the past for storytelling: the imparfait (and when to use it!) You took some notes on the following video- and we did the exercises at the end.

You will primarily be using être and avoir 

Tu étais
Il était
Nous étions
Vous étiez
Ils étaient

Tu avais
Il avait
Nous avions
Vous aviez
Ils avaient

At the end of class you worked on your own urban legends using Story Cubes! 

Monday 9 January 2017

We watched your news projects today, and then started the new unit.

We watched this urban legend (and talked about what makes an urban legend!)
- happens in an urban location (familiar location), spooky, something bad happens, somewhat believable, real people, sometimes: lesson/moral

We practiced narrating 
Il était une fois… (Once upon a time...)
Il faut + infinitive 

Thursday 5 January 2017

You've been working on your news projects!

Don't forget to post your video to the class YouTube (on private) or, if for some reason that does not work, please bring your movie on a USB. 

Due date: January 6th 2017