Wednesday 2 November 2016


We started with weather terms! 

Prior knowledge: you watched this video and you shared in groups the words you understood
- température
- neige
- pluie/pleut
- soleil 
- après midi
- weekend
- samedi/dimanche
- matin
- demain
- nuages 

We went over some faire expressions with weather
as well as "il pleut" and "il neige"

We also did a quick review of the Futur Proche (the near future)
Aller (present tense) + infinitive

Aujourd'hui, il fait du soleil (Today, it is sunny)
Demain, il va faire du soleil (Tomorrow, it will be sunny) 

You did your own mini presentations in groups. 
We travelled around the world hearing about the weather!
"Aujourd'hui à _____ (city name) il fait ______, il fait _#_ degrés.
Demain, il va faire _#_ degrés et il va faire ______

Et maintenant, les conditions météorologiques avec __________ (name)."

Feedback from today:
- You all pronounced "les conditions météorologiques" correctly! BRAVO!
- Degrés: the accent IS an accent aigu (apologies, I believe I wrote an accent grave on the board) just make sure you are trying to say that French R and that it's not "eee" at the end, but "eh" 
- il pleut and il neige are not one of our faire expressions: to make it futur proche you have to use the verbs (pleuvoir and neiger) e.g. il pleut -> il va pleuvoir; il neige -> il va neiger.