Friday 16 December 2016

The last few days we watched "La Reine des neiges" 
and did some activities associated with it.

- Passé composé (avoir/être) + listening activity
- Written sentences about what happened (passé composé - avoir/être)
- What would happen in the second half of the movie (futur proche)

You will do your final project for this unit in the first week back!
Don't forget the grammar points!

Duolingo is not mandatory over the holidays*,

*As mentioned in class- for those of you who have not done a lot of Duolingo, I would recommend you spend some time over the break exploring the app/website and getting caught up. It's really good practice and will improve your French!!! (It is also worth 5% of your final grade) 

Monday 12 December 2016

Utilisez le passé composé

Ici ______ (name) et ___________ (name)
QUAND (hier, lundi, mardi, mercredi…)
C’était __________(adj).
(OÙ) (à une ville)
(Le prochain jeu… QUAND = futur proche)
Écoutons ________ (name) pour plus de nouvelles.

Ici Mlle Powell
Hier (Quand) Les Flames de Calgary ont affronté (face/confront) les Canucks.
Les Canucks ont gagné 5-2. (Quoi) C’était intense.
Ils ont joué le match à Vancouver (Où)
et le prochain jeu va être à Calgary demain soir (Futur Proche, Quand).

Écoutons Julia pour plus de nouvelles.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

- #6-10
- Maison d’être (mrs dr vandertramp)
- Duolingo 10XP
With passé composé in être you need to do agreement with the subject (the person(s) doing the action)

E.g. Elle est venue- extra ‘e’ because of “Elle”, Elles sont arrivées- extra ‘es’ because of “Elles”

Don't forget that you need the AUX (and this time, you'll use être!) + PP (see previous post)

Je suis            Nous sommes
Tu es              Vous êtes
Il est               Ils sont

Change the following from Present to Passé Composé

1. Nous venons à l'école
2. Elle passe à côté de la prison 
3. Vous arrivez en bas de la montagne 
4. Il va vers le café 
5. Elles entrent dans l'immeuble
6. Je reste chez moi 
7. Elle sort de la maison 
8. Ils tombent par terre 
9. Nous partons en avion 
10. Heureusement, mon poisson ne meurt pas.

Fini? Translate the sentences. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Passé composé (être)

Draw the house of Dr + Mrs Vandertramp,
 draw representations of the verbs below in and around the house (actions!) 

The more personal/ridiculous/funny, the more you'll remember them!
**(Please keep it school appropriate)**

*Passer (passé) can also be used, but only if a person is physically "passing" by somewhere


Wednesday 30 November 2016

We watched a Peppa Pig episode in French (the family making crêpes!)
- We then looked at the menu, and practiced ordering >> see previous post

We reviewed the passé composé (regular verbs, avoir, including the negative)

We played Kahoot to review, and the majority of you did very well

There will be a quiz tomorrow.
Don't forget: Duolingo 10XP

Crêpes demain!! (Crêpes tomorrow)

Tuesday 29 November 2016

You presented your articles today. Bien fait!
Feedback after the presentations from me and your peers:
- Speaking slowly and clearly is important
- Using student-friendly language (words your friends in class know!) is a good idea
- Pictures! Find ones that relate to what you're talking about (possibly even a collage of pictures!)

*Also, I have corrected this a few times: when saying the date, you do not say "à 29 novembre" you do say "le 29 novembre" 

**For the project, I do not want you to find an article and read it as you found it out-loud. I also do not want you to translate the article and then put it into Google Translate. Find the qui/quoi/quand/comment/où/pourquoi (see what applies!), make simple sentences using words you know, and then make it a little more complex by adding a relative pronoun = combining two sentences that have the same subject or object.

We then started to review passé composé (regular verbs, with avoir), including the negative placement.

Passé composé is composed of two parts:
the AUX (avoir/être) + PP (past participle)

Avoir (aux)                        Regular verbs
J'ai                                     -ER = É          e.g. Je (manger) -> J'ai mangé
Tu as                                  -IR = I            e.g. Vous (choisir) -> Vous avez choisi
Il a                                     -RE = U          e.g. Il (vendre) -> Il a vendu
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils ont

The negative -> the negative goes like headphones around the first verb 
Present tense: Je ne mange pas la pomme
Futur Proche: Je ne vais pas manger la pomme
Passé composé: Je n'ai* pas mangé la pomme

* n' when there is a vowel following it. You can't say "ne ai" 

We also talked about different negative 'headphones'
ne... pas (not), ne... rien (nothing), ne... jamais (never)
- they look different (and mean different things), but they work the same way!

You can also remember where to add the negative to the passé composé by thinking about the "aux" (ox) doing all the work (or pretend the ne...pas are the horns!)

We will do more work on this tomorrow, don't forget to do Duolingo 10XP

Monday 28 November 2016


We did a little horoscope activity! As you know, when you read the newspaper, there are a number of different 'fun' things besides reading articles! You got into groups based on your birthday, and tried to decipher the horoscope: you were reading it just like someone in Montreal! You told the class one thing that your horoscope said, and as a group if you agreed or disagreed with it. Again, this activity was just for fun, and to practice your reading comprehension.

We reviewed what we already know, and what we need to know for the final project of a newscast!

You were asked to summarize an article (using qui/quoi/quand/comment/où) and your new knowledge of relative pronouns.

Don't forget that Duolingo is daily homework (10XP)

Friday 25 November 2016

We had the relative pronoun quiz and then marked it together. Most of you did better on the second quiz! Bravo.

This new skill you have acquired will allow you to make more complex sentences, and repeat yourself less often. Be proud of yourself, and use it in your writing!

Bon weekend!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Re-quiz tomorrow! Relative Pronouns! Study!

Monday 21 November 2016

- We reviewed Relative Pronouns (les pronoms relatifs) - Qui / Que, Qu'
- We did a "find your partner" activity with entertainment headlines, where you put your headlines together using a relative pronoun, and translated the sentence.
- You did p. 31 in the cahier, we went over the answers
>> Section 1: putting two sentences together using relative pronouns
>> Section 2: filling in the blank with the correct relative pronoun

We finished the class by reading from a real French newspaper! 24heures (24 hours) from Montréal! You decided whether you would stay at home "Je reste!" or go out "Je sors!" and what you would do based on the mini-articles describing some different options (e.g. Je sors! Je vais au cinéma pour voir le film "Légende" parce que j'aime les films d'histoire)

Wednesday 16 November 2016


Bonjour Canada, ici Mme Powell avec OnJaseDaily. Aujourd’hui nous parlons les vedettes!

Mardi matin, Zayn Malik a plaisanté mystérieusement avec Coeur de Pirate, à Chilliwack au McDo- Pourquoi? Parce qu’il veut sortir avec elle. 

Revenez la semaine prochaine, et n’oubliez pas de nous suivre sur Instagram, et Snapchat! 

Maintenant, voici _________ (name) 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Today we looked at some new vocabulary about les Divertissements (see Quizlet)

We listened to a report on Olivier Dion's fans, and answered Qui/Quoi/Quand/Où/Comment/Pourquoi (answers under the cut)

You then picked 2 celebrities (qui), one place (où), one event (quoi), one adverb (comment), and one day of the week (quand.) I will explain what you are going to do with the information next class -> Prepare your best ETalk Daily voice 😄

HW: Duolingo

Avoir Expressions

Monday 7 November 2016


- You spent some time reviewing vocabulary on Quizlet
- We did Quizlet Live

- You read an article called "Quel printemps!" (What Spring!) that used some of the new vocabulary learned, talking about the weather in springtime in a variety of different regions in France, as well as different years.
- You answered some comprehension questions on the reading
- You then put some sentences into the Futur Proche (Avoir + Infinitive)
* Remember, for the negative, the ne/pas headphones go around Verb1
e.g. Il va pleuvoir -> Il ne va pas pleuvoir

- You then were given a sheet with weather symbols all over France, broken up into the different regions (départements),  There's L'île-de-France (where Paris is), La Corse, L'Alsace... etc.
- You took turns in pairs asking questions about the weather in different regions, trying to give your best weather report based on the symbols provided.

- We listened to another weather report after learning all this new vocabulary

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP, Please review Quizlet (la météo)

Friday 4 November 2016

- We had the rest of the presentations
- You listened to another weather report
- Reviewed faire expressions
- We did some interactive activities as a class 
- "Quel temps fait-il" partner activity (add three cities of your own using, listening activity)

Have a good long weekend! Don't forget to do Duolingo!

Wednesday 2 November 2016


We started with weather terms! 

Prior knowledge: you watched this video and you shared in groups the words you understood
- température
- neige
- pluie/pleut
- soleil 
- après midi
- weekend
- samedi/dimanche
- matin
- demain
- nuages 

We went over some faire expressions with weather
as well as "il pleut" and "il neige"

We also did a quick review of the Futur Proche (the near future)
Aller (present tense) + infinitive

Aujourd'hui, il fait du soleil (Today, it is sunny)
Demain, il va faire du soleil (Tomorrow, it will be sunny) 

You did your own mini presentations in groups. 
We travelled around the world hearing about the weather!
"Aujourd'hui à _____ (city name) il fait ______, il fait _#_ degrés.
Demain, il va faire _#_ degrés et il va faire ______

Et maintenant, les conditions météorologiques avec __________ (name)."

Feedback from today:
- You all pronounced "les conditions météorologiques" correctly! BRAVO!
- Degrés: the accent IS an accent aigu (apologies, I believe I wrote an accent grave on the board) just make sure you are trying to say that French R and that it's not "eee" at the end, but "eh" 
- il pleut and il neige are not one of our faire expressions: to make it futur proche you have to use the verbs (pleuvoir and neiger) e.g. il pleut -> il va pleuvoir; il neige -> il va neiger. 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Les citrouilles turquoises

1. To finish off Halloween, and to start our new unit, we watched a video showing the French perspective of (largely North American) Halloween

2. We then read an article on turquoise pumpkins. You worked in groups and used your different reading strategies to scan through it.

3. You then answered some questions on the reading, we shared the answers with the class.

4. We had some discussion questions:
>> As-tu des allergies? À quoi? (OU est-ce que tu connais quelqu’un qui a des allergies? Qui? À quoi?) 

>> Est-ce que tu penses que les citrouilles turquoises sont une bonne idée? POURQUOI?
5. In your groups you decided on causes you thought were important, and what colour you could associate with them. "Dans ton groupe, pense à une autre cause (et une couleur pour ta cause) pour les citrouilles pour l’Halloween prochain." 

Modèle: “Nous avons décidé de promouvoir la cause de…. Nous avons choisi la couleur…. Nous pensons que c’est important parce que…”

Here is what you came up with! 
orange = candy, turquoise = allergies

purple = disabilities, green = homeless, red = obesity in children, brown = vegan/vegetarian, light purple = only for small kids (under 16), white = pets, yellow = people with braces,  pink = diabetes.

Monday 31 October 2016

We started with "C'est l'halloween!" and you sang along! 

We threw the ball around the room and found out what everyone was dressed up as for Halloween: 

Q: _______(nom), Quel costume est-ce que tu portes pour l’halloween?
A: Je porte un costume de… (chat/sorcière/Lady Gaga)

We watched 2 Têtes à Claques videos on Halloween (Québec), and practiced your listening skills 

You had another mini conversation piece about being scared! In French, just like with age, you HAVE (avoir) it. e.g. J'ai 15 ans = I have 15 years (meaning: I am 15 years old), J'ai peur = I have fear (I am scared)

Q: De quoi as-tu peur?
A: J'ai peur des vampires! 

You learned the expression "ça me fait peur" (that scares me) 

Have a SAFE and FUN Halloween evening